Spine Bracing

Back Braces and Neck Collars Spine Orthosis Indications

Patients, who have undergone spinal surgery, may be required to wear an orthosis (brace) for a specified amount of time. A specific orthosis [brace] will be prescribed based on the mechanism of injury or the levels of the spine, which have undergone a surgical intervention. The patient will be measured and fit for the orthosis by a certified orthotist per Dr. Taylor’s prescription.

The orthosis will be worn post-operatively or post-traumatic injury and is important for several reasons. The orthosis can benefit the patient by supporting the surgical or injured area in order to promote improved posture and alignment. This may alleviate pain and discomfort with activity. The orthosis will also assist the patient in maintaining their spinal precautions. This is especially important when they are not in the safety of their own home. Environmental factors such as people, uneven terrain, wet surfaces and long walking distances can cause concern for the patients’ safety.

Spine Orthosis Wearing Instructions

  • The orthosis should be worn when walking in public or in the community at all times.
  • Post-operative patients may have household privileges without their orthosis as long as they are maintaining spine precautions. Patients who are post-trauma must wear their orthosis at all times when out of bed unless prescribed by Dr. Taylor.
  • Patients should never sleep or lie in bed with their back brace orthosis, EXCEPT if the patient has a neck cervical condition. Dr. Taylor will give specific instruction for cervical patients.
  • Patients must wear an orthosis in the shower or bathtub unless otherwise instructed by Dr. Taylor.
  • Patients are not to drive with their orthosis. Post-operative patients are not to ride in motor vehicles while wearing their orthosis.
  • Proper wearing instructions and application of the brace will be provided by a certified orthotist.
  • All spine orthosis questions or concerns should be directed to Orthotic and Prosthetic Design at (314) 535-5359.
  • Frequently Asked Questions

    May I drive my car with my brace?

    Driving is prohibited while wearing a spine orthosis. A patient’s spine is immobilized and it decreases the ability to operate a motor vehicle safely.

    How many hours per day should I wear my brace?

    If the orthosis was prescribed for someone post-operatively, it should be worn for walking purposes only. Orthoses should never be worn in bed, sitting or riding in cars for extended periods of time. The orthosis can cause pressure to the surgical incision in these positions and may impair healing. If the patient has had a cervical surgery they should wear a cervical collar at all times unless otherwise instructed.

    If the patient did not have surgery and their spine is braced after a traumatic injury, the orthosis should be worn at all times when out of bed unless otherwise instructed.

    May I take a shower after my surgery?

    Once the patient has been given permission to shower or take baths, it is strongly recommended to wear your brace during these activities. Wet bathroom floors and bathtubs can be hazardous and the spine should be protected when showering/bathing.

    My brace is rubbing my skin and causing pressure. It does not seem to fit like it did at the hospital. Should I call Dr. Taylor’s office?

    It is very common to require an adjustment after an initial orthotic fitting. A patient may show a decrease in swelling, weight loss, or become more active. As the patient may change the orthosis may need to be adjusted to accommodate these changes. If at any time the orthosis becomes uncomfortable, causes redness or rubbing, the patient should call Orthotic and Prosthetic Design and report this to your orthotist.